7 Ways To Outsource Your Mobile App Development

Development— posted on November 23, 2017 10:28 AM

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    Mobile device dependency has been on the rise and businesses are considering mobile app development  in order to engage their customers directly. However, these businesses may not have the right tools and talent to develop their own mobile applications that can truly solve their customer’s problem. One of the ways to resolve this issue is by outsourcing their mobile app development project. Outsourcing to the right development company has many advantages including:
    • They have the right skills and talent.
    • They have the right tools and technology.
    • Cost-effective in terms of money and time.
    • End-to-end service
    However, with the high cost of developing an app (between RM 30K up to RM 1 Million depending on the features, complexities, time needed and many other factors), there is bound to be challenges in finding the right developer for your business needs. Here are some tips to help you outsource your mobile app development [caption id="attachment_7099" align="alignnone" width="704"] Source: appformation.pl[/caption]
    1. Define your app
    Take the time to think about the purpose of the app and what value it can bring to your customers. Answer these questions to help you get started:
    • What is the customer’s pain point that you are addressing
    • Who are your target users and define their personas
    • What are your goals with the app
    • Is your app going to be native or hybrid
    • Should you consider a responsive web
    • Will the app be free or paid
    Figure out the features necessary to make the app as useful as possible. There are also app functionalities that will have to take into consideration such as the use of external API, the device sensors, social media features, and many more. Make sure to detail out the necessary features and functions you want to ensure you clearly state your goals and expectations to your chosen vendor.   [caption id="attachment_6971" align="alignnone" width="965"] Sourece: Terato Tech[/caption]
    1. Choose the right developer
    A popular option among businesses is to outsource their projects to a development company. However it can be challenging to  find the right developer for your business needs. Some of the ways to determine whether they are able to commit and deliver is to ask them specific questions as well as to go through their portfolio. Their presence in the field should be evident and you can often look them up in search engines, social media, news, and etc. These are some of the questions you can ask to help determine whether is the company legitimate:
    • Which companies have used theirs service?
    • Have they been mentioned in relevant industry news?
    • Are they sharing knowledge with the community
    Ask for the company’s portfolio as well as links to their published apps. Being able to see their work first hand is important and hiring a company with published apps will ensure that you don’t run into trouble later on. You could also ask for references from their former clients so you will able to gather their feedback before you decide to hire them.   [caption id="attachment_7104" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Source: www.cristanchohr.com[/caption]
    1. Communicate
    Communication is an important part in developing an app, as you do not want your ideas to be misinterpreted. It will cost you a lot of time and money if a finished product did not meet you specifications and goals. Before deciding your mobile development company, it is always good meet them in person or even Skype call to get that face-to-face experience with the team. Key things to find out during the meet-up includes whether the developers can clearly understand your ideas and the features that you need. Good developers will be able to propose solutions and generate ideas for your apps. This will add value to you and you will know that the developer is proactive in helping you make a great app. It is also good to find out whether the developer is responsive and on time. This will indicate their commitment to you. Try setting up a meeting and see whether they stick to the time or do they fail to meet at the agreed time.   [caption id="attachment_7105" align="alignnone" width="750"] Source: www.uservoice.com[/caption]
    1. Determine project plan
    After deciding on the right development company, you can start constructing the project plan with them. Usually, the project plan will include a series of milestones and goals that need to be achieve in stages. Setting milestones will let you know the progress of the development and this has to be agreed upon between both parties. It is imperative to establish a calendar so that both parties can communicate and stay in touch throughout the development phase. Constant communication will also prevent any surprise deadlines or priority changes that will hinder the progress of the app development.   [caption id="attachment_7106" align="alignnone" width="698"] Source: www.linkedin.com[/caption]
    1. Cooperate
    A big part of the app development is the cooperation between you and the development company. It requires teamwork and constant communication. One of the ways to cooperate is to get to know the team that is working on the project. It is also important that both parties understand the nature of each other’s business so that both can have empathy towards each other. This is important to prevent any unnecessary stress for both parties. Giving feedback and set up clear goals after every milestone is completed will also help the developers improve and iron out any issues before proceeding towards the next stage. This requires more work on your side, however this can prove to be crucial. Imagine having a finish product that is nowhere near to what you had wanted because you had not clearly defined your ideas during every stage of the development.   [caption id="attachment_7108" align="alignnone" width="466"] Source: www.productiveteams.io[/caption]
    1. Project manager
    Having a project manager supplied by the development company is a bonus. This the project manager can be an important communication point between you and the development company. Aside from helping you solve problems encountered along the way, a project manager will be able to coordinate the project and assign resources efficiently in order to achieve the milestones on time.   [caption id="attachment_7109" align="alignnone" width="1200"] Source: www.theappsolutions.com[/caption]
    1. Thorough testing
    Thorough testing is required in order for you to determine the quality of work and make sure that the app is develop according to specifications and requirements. Include multiple scenarios that a user will encounter in order to check the app’s flow and to see whether there are major bugs that will need to fix. A good development company will let you test the app throughout the whole process. A final version of the product has to be agreed upon in the beginning of the project as well as throughout the process to avoid any misunderstanding.   Conclusion Outsourcing your project to a mobile app development company comes with its challenges. However, if you are able to overcome the challenges, you will gain more benefits for you and your business. We hope the tips above will help you outsource your project and be able to grow your business even further. Have an app idea? Say hello and lets have a chat. [maxbutton id="1" url="http://www.teratotech.com/contact/" text="Say hello" ]

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