A sweet view from Dubai World Game Expo 2010

— posted on December 2, 2010 12:36 PM

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    The great event from the land of the sands (yeah, I made that up) just ended yesterday. Our contingent really had a good time pleasuring audience from all over the Arab world. Some words from our contingent in Dubai:

    Our experience during the Dubai Games Expo was great. Never had we thought that there is so much potential in what we are doing in the MENA region.

    The Dubai Games Expo is not a very big expo definitely nothing like the GDC in SF. But the expo is really targeted towards the MENA region. Companies that came here is not just from Dubai, they came from all the middle east country & north africa including our brothers from Palestine.

    Beside Malaysia, Iran & Korea has a huge presence at the Expo. We were able to meet really awesome game companies from Korea that demoed us some of the very cool stuff they have done. Salih was also able to attend the UDK training from Epic Games and he said the UDK engine and the ability to do multi-platform games blew his mind.

    Aside from that the Dubai Games Expo opened up our mind to this part of the world. We attained great contacts, leads & networking when we were at the expo.

    We also saw great potential in expanding the business in this part of the world.

    (Spoiler) All this is something which definitely won't happen if we remain katak in the tempurung and try to emulate the path of many Malaysian companies that is focused in chasing fat govt contracts, Datuks , Tan Sris & rasuah. (Spoiler)

    A long view, no? So, set's see some of the images from the event shall we? [nggallery id=19]

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