GameSauce - Terato Tech's Reza Razali On Discoverability and Fundraising
— posted on May 17, 2013 3:16 PM
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Sugar Rush[/caption]

Just a quick, simple and sweet news before the end of the week.
Gamesauce, a full-color trade magazine and on-line portal for the game industry founded in Fall 2009 by Jessica Tams, managing director of the Casual Games Association focusing on the international video game industry has featured Reza Razali, founder of Terato on their Video Coverage Section. Not sure when they did the interview but here some excerpt from the article: As for the greatest challenges in the game industry, Reza believes it is discoverability and fundraising. The majority of companies in the area find it necessary to supplement their revenues from IP development with servicing work. It is difficult to raise sufficient funds, and fundraising too early leaves a company vulnerable to a low valuation. He tells us, “I have met various game development companies which gave up 50 percent of the company for less than $10,000 US.” He insists that discoverability is also a problem unless the company has an adequate user acquisition budget or the backing of a well-known publisher. Hopefully this article would give some useful insights to everyone especially youngsters and entrepreneurs who would like to jump into the mobile game industry. Read the full article here. Before I end this simple post. Would like to share some photos during our trip/event at Royale Chulan that ended yesterday. We were there for APAC SME Banking Conference. Well, the food was great. [nggallery id=55]Share this to