Going Places this June with MAS, now!
— posted on June 1, 2011 11:24 AM
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[caption id="attachment_2020" align="alignnone" width="540" caption="June cover page of MAS Going Places"]

Get the June edition of MAS Going Places and Select, now!
There are a lot of cool articles, videos, and beautiful images for your aesthetic and cerebral consumption in this latest issue. Read about Jakarta, Stephen Rahman Hughes, Sweden, backpacking tips and guides, beautiful markets from all over the world, and many more. [nggallery id=24] To download, just launch your Going Places app and be amazed! Oh, and don't forget to download the app's latest update as it enables you to resume your downloads. To start, click here: Going Places in Terato tech or directly download the app here: Going Places iPad appShare this to