Happy Eidul-Adha 1433!

— posted on October 25, 2012 5:30 PM

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    [caption id="attachment_3346" align="alignnone" width="426"] Assalamualaikum![/caption] Well it is the end of October as well, so, before we concluded a very busy week, Terato tech would like to wish a very Happy Eidul-Adha to all Muslims out there. Be nice to people and creatures and treat them as like to be treated. And we are here to give you some kind of (trick or) treat as well. Feast on some of our applications released in the month of October. Most of them are FREE so don't think you guys would have any problem with your Mastercard. [caption id="attachment_3299" align="alignnone" width="540"] Amok: The Villain Hero[/caption]

    AMOK for iOS Devices: iTunes link

    [caption id="attachment_1246" align="alignnone" width="176"] CIMB Clicks[/caption]

    CIMB Clicks for iOS and Android:

    Android Google Play link

    iTunes link

    [caption id="attachment_3350" align="alignnone" width="540"] EVE Magazine Volume 2[/caption]

     EVE Magazine for iPad: iTunes link

    Be safe and See you!

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