Helmi(looks sexy) on NST!
— posted on September 23, 2010 3:54 PM
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[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="415" caption="NST in their RAYA mood!"][/caption]
A very, very, very delayed news!
We just knew about this earlier this week. One of our programmer, Helmi Hasan Baraja (not related to Ruben Baraja) was featured in an article on New Straits Times 12 September pull-out, Life & Times: Tech. The article titled Desire for apps access, discussed mainly on Android mobile platform and everything surrounding it. Quite a nice read I would say.
Thank you Siti Syameen for the writeup.
Read the article HERE.
P/S: Anyone know where we could find old newspapers copy? Or anyone happened to have the 12th September edition? Do message us, thank you.
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