Here to 2014

— posted on January 2, 2014 9:14 AM

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    [caption id="attachment_4361" align="alignnone" width="540"]Illustration by our game team Illustration by our game team[/caption]

    Happy new year!

    Hopefully 2014 would be another great year for us in terms of productivity, awesomevity and revenuevity. We've released/co-released lot of sweet stuff in 2013, noticeably AppOnion, Axiata Cup, Maybank Malaysia Open, Majalah Jom,, and Slurp. Other than that we have received our ISO9001 : 2008 certification, winning the DIGIWWWOW App of the year award for 2nd consecutive year and joining the top 100 companies in 2013 by Red Herring. All in all 2013 has been great for us and we're ready for more! Download AppOnion and show your support to local talents! [caption id="attachment_4116" align="alignnone" width="150"]Bawang! Bawang![/caption]

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