HTC Evo 4G: The Next Big Thing
— posted on June 6, 2010 12:47 AM
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We went for a test drive of the Evo 4G at the nearby Sprint outlet in front of the Bloomingdales SF.
We were expecting a long queue on the new device but it seems people may be sleeping or don't bother to see them... I'm not sure and I don't care, cause there were two demo units laying around untouched and all the people there seem like busy paying bills and doing something else (so, let's take some advantage shall we?).
This thing looks bigger than any other smartphones we've comes across in our life.Well it fits just nice in our hands and of course still pocketable.
What interest us most is, this is the world's first 3G/4G phone which of course can only runs on the Sprint network and of course have capability running on its 4G cell network where available . Its also makes it the first Android based smartphone that can use the Sprint' 4G WiMax data.This allows it to take advantage of better video streaming, faster data connectivity and a 1.3MP front-facing camera for video calls.It also has the 8mp video with HD video recording capabilities.All being powered up with the 1GHz Snapdragon chipset.
Our sweet time with the phone revealed that it's fast,got neat user interface,simple to operate but pretty big in size for a smartphone.If that the case we are hoping on Monday the iPad will have the phone calling function so Apple will have the biggest smartphones in the world! WOOHOO!
BTW the EVO 4G cost you USD 199 with all the rebates and stuff.The phone alone will cost you USD 499.Lets hope the GSM version will be available soon.
[caption id="attachment_662" align="alignnone" width="590"]
Sprint outlet near Bloomingdales[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_661" align="alignnone" width="590"]
Terato Tech Mobile Homepage on HTC Evo[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_660" align="alignnone" width="590"]
HTC Evo 4G Ad[/caption]

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