Malaysia Most Wanted in Media (Latest: 19th Oct 2010)

— posted on October 13, 2010 11:18 AM

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    Let's look at some of the kindhearted media/press which featured Malaysia Most Wanted in their page today. Harian Metro [caption id="attachment_1313" align="alignnone" width="540" caption="Printed version: Harian Metro's 13 October 2010, Variasi pull-out."][/caption] Read the online version here: Cegah Jenayah Guna iPhone, Android [caption id="attachment_1314" align="alignnone" width="540" caption="Click the image to be directed to the full story."][/caption] Or you can click this link: Terato tech Memperkenalkan Aplikasi Malaysia Most Wanted KeemanXP [caption id="attachment_1365" align="alignnone" width="540" caption="Click the image to read the full article."][/caption] Visit KeemanXP blog here: TERATO Tech’s Malaysia Most Wanted App for iPhone and Android NSTP e-Media: My Gadget Planet [caption id="attachment_1369" align="alignnone" width="540" caption="Click the image to view the full article."][/caption] Visit the article at NSTP e-media's My Gadget Planet: Terato Tech launches ´Malaysia Most Wanted´ mobile app Lowyat.NET [caption id="attachment_1371" align="alignnone" width="540" caption="Clicking the image will bring you to the full article."][/caption] Lowyat.NET is one of the most popular technology forum in Malaysia. Click here to read the article. Hotlink's MPLANET [caption id="attachment_1374" align="alignnone" width="540" caption="Hotter full page when you click the image."][/caption] Hotlink's MPLANET is a gaming portal by Maxis, Malaysia's telco giant. Full article here: Malaysia Most Wanted A very warm thank you to all of you sweet people who make this possible. Stay tuned as I'll update this page from time to time.

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