Much adog about Nething
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To summarize what is usually posted on the pages: - threats of violence against the man in the video and/or his girlfriend (the one recording the video) - inefficiency of the Government in acting to this case - more threats of violence
You get the idea. Since most of the text were in Chinese, Google Translate and the occasional 'friend who happens to be online' had to translate for me but I assure you most of the text was very unpleasant to read. Quoted from Dawn Jeremiah's article:It's true. This is as far as laymen can go, legally. Ironically, many of them did bring the matter into their own hands. There were quite a few profiles posted on the pages, and I can see the group members posting hate messages to the people who was alleged to be in the video. Cyber-bullying is the new online evil, and access to online info just makes it easier to vilify a person."Authentic or not, this is as far as laymen can go. What else is there to do, take matters into our own hands?"
And to add insult to injury,Fun, 29, claims he was actively gathering information about the case but then someone created a fake account of the alleged abuser and put his picture on the profile.
Without checking the facts, people started bombarding him with unsavoury comments although he looks nothing like the abuser, Fun says.
Isn't it scary what people can do, or threaten to do while masked behind the anonymity of the Internet? It is perplexing that the very same people who often try to show that they actively believe in fighting for a cause, are also the ones who usually join a Facebook fan/cause page and do absolutely nothing about it. It is unfair to expect everyone to go all out or anything but I still find it disturbing. Civil engagement because of Sushi the dog, while commendable, still shows that many Malaysians have not really embraced the many benefits online social platforms can offer, and even when they do, they are not yet ready to engage the platforms in a civil and orderly manner as is evident on many political websites - it's always a case of us against them, with proponents of opposing thoughts labeled mercilessly as dogs (or any other personal insult(s) to discredit any points, if any lah, brought up). What could be used as a platform to better reach the masses remain just an unused platform, much like the many offline platforms already provided. The true power of what could have been remains a 'what could have been'. It's almost like we're encouraging a certain type of dogs - the ones that bark, but never bite.He is no longer receiving any abusive messages but he notes wryly that not even one person has apologised for abusing him earlier.
As an observer of the case from the start, he says, he has seen how the story has been twisted so many times.
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