Progressive, We Are!
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Monday, a new week unfold.
As we look back at the past few weeks, the team have really progress in term of work quality and togetherness.
We are currently working on the second phase of Halal Apps, awaiting the launch of the all new our beloved team website and ahead of time on development of our big game project (read: Qalvinius). And last Saturday some of them team members flew to Universiti Malaysia Pahang in Kuantan giving talk on iphone apps development in front of the software engineering students. The receptions was encouraging!
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This week, as our lead designer Salih expecting his first born child, the team are expecting a new team member too. A character and sprites designer, he'll be working with the games and comics development team. Other than that, the multimedia team will have a video shooting session somewhere deep in Bangi's wilderness.
All in all, a busy week ensue, so we hope the pantry would be fill with a lot of Apollo's layer cake as we need the energy to get through all this!
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