Terato featured in 9-Bit Japan!
— posted on September 25, 2013 3:52 PM
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[caption id="attachment_4079" align="alignnone" width="540"] Cool beans![/caption]
It's an article released yesterday on the recent Tokyo Game Show event by 9-Bit Japan. The blog, 9-Bit Japan is a well-known website in Japan focusses on news and reviews for the game industry. They met Ashraf and Fadhli, the two hustler of our game team that won the DIGIWWWOW awards with Amok.
Excerpt from the article: こちらは開発者の2人で右がリーダーの「アシュラフさん」で左が「ファズリさん」、二人と陽気で話をしていて楽しかったぞ! 左に映っているのが、タワーディフェンスゲームだ。こちらはマップとマップの間に、アイテムを集めたり、資源を掘ったりとディフェンス要素の他にも収集や、コンプリートと言った楽しみが備わっていて9-BitのBossも「ミスタード〇ラー」と言ってみんなで爆笑しながら楽しんでいたぞ! Oh yes, it's in Japanese and in the paragraph above (according to Google Translate), the author wrote about our upcoming game, currently in advance stage of development. The sub-genre of the game is tower defense with several new type of game-play (for the genre). Hopefully it would be released in the next few months. Read the interesting article now, here: [TGS 2013] overseas booth pick-up in Malaysia booth! Game of unique interesting! <--translated by Google. So if any of you who can read and understand Japanese, would be great if you can summarize the story for us. Thanks. More to come!Share this to