Terato Schedule at Great 2014
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Rapid 3D Prototyping Course
1st Day (Wednesday, 17 September 2014) Venue: Room E2-D (LEVEL 2) Registration from 10.00 AM First Session: 11.00 AM until 1.00 PM Lunch time: 1.00 PM until 1.30 PM Second Session: 1.30PM until 5.00 PM (or up to 8.00 PM)
2nd Day (Thursday, 18 September 2014) Venue: Room E2-F (LEVEL 2) Third Session: 1.00 PM until 5.00 PM (or up to 8.00 PM)
Mobile APP Development Course
1st Day (Friday, 19 September 2014) Venue: Boardroom (LEVEL 3) and Room E2-D (LEVEL 2) Registration from 8.30 AM First Session: 9.00 AM until 1.00 PM Lunch time: 1.00 PM until 2.00PM Second Session: 2.00 PM until 5.00 PM (or up until 8.00 PM)
2nd Day (Saturday, 20 September 2014) Venue: Co-working Space 1 (LEVEL 1) and Room E2-C (LEVEL 2) Third Session: 9.00 AM until 1.00 PM Lunch time: 1.00 PM until 2.00 PM Fourth Session: 2.00 PM until 5.00 PM (or up to 7.00 PM)
Mobile GAME Development Course 1st Day (Friday, 19 September 2014) Venue: Co-working Space 1 (LEVEL 1) Registration from 8.30 AM First Session: 9.00 AM until 1.00 PM Lunch time: 1.00 PM until 2.00PM Second Session: 1.30 PM until 5.00 PM
2nd Day (Saturday, 20 September 2014) Venue: Co-working Space 1 (LEVEL 1) Third Session: 9.00 AM until 1.00 PM Lunch time: 1.00 PM until 2.00 PM Fourth Session: 2.00 PM until 5.00 PM
Any changes will be notified soon as possible to the participants. As we expecting crowd of people during the event so don't want anyone to be lost in space. Oh, Mobile app course is FULL but you can still check the Mobile Game and 3D Rapid Prototyping courses. See you there!
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