4 Pillars of Mobile Apps Development

Development— posted on February 6, 2018 12:23 AM

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    While building a mobile app might seem simple, there are many interconnected ideas that are sewn together to make mobile app a success. These ideas also enable the mobile app to be functional and relevant to the users. Here at Terato Tech, we believe in the idea of implementing solid foundations to ensure the success of your mobile app. When these foundations are given equal attention, your mobile app goals can succeed. However, when one is ignored, we'll start to see app development ailments. Listed below are the four pillars that we use to support your mobile app projects.

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    1. Requirement identification When a client tells us their idea, we want them to be as specific as they can be. We'll ask questions such as:

    • What is the customer's pain point that you are solving
    • Who are your target users What are your goals with the app
    • Do you need native or hybrid app, or web solutions
    • Will the app be free or paid

    Answering these questions will help us visualize and define the final outcome of the mobile app. Once we understand each of these strategic expectations, we'll start outlining the technical requirements needed to achieve them. Identifying these requirements are crucial for the success of the app. We will use them as guidelines and will continuously referenced them throughout the development process to ensure that every activity aligns with our clients objectives.


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    2. Agile development For a successful mobile app development project, we highly welcome clients into the discussion and share the progress of their functional application elements as often as we can. This ensures that we remain transparent while avoiding surprises. By providing reports on a continuous basis, both us and the clients are able to identify problems sooner rather than later. The flexibility of the agile methodology also means that our developers are able to adapt quickly to unexpected changes that are introduced by business realities.


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    3. Product promotion While having a functional and excellent mobile app can be satisfying, often it will not take-off on its own without proper marketing efforts. It takes a comprehensive marketing strategy to attract loyal audience for you app. There are varieties of ways you can promote your mobile app and instead of waiting until launch day, we'll get clients thinking about their marketing efforts right from the beginning.


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    4. Audience analytics Once the mobile app is launch, we'll track and provide data-based insights on user engagement. These insights will be use to present strategies for app optimization and expanding audience relationships. This step is important for us to identify the opportunity for improvements and achieve our ROI that has been set during the development phase. As you can see, the four pillars are crucial to any mobile app success and we hold to them dearly. Our pillars exist together and are addressed continuously. When these ideas are integrated effectively with one another, they can be used to build amazing apps. To find out more about how Terato Tech could transform your ideas, contact us today!

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