Welcome to the World!
— posted on July 2, 2012 10:27 AM
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[caption id="attachment_2996" align="alignnone" width="379"]
Hello World![/caption]
We at Terato would like to congratulate our senior designer Hafizul, for having his first-born child yesterday. And it's a girl!
Other than that, we would also like to welcome our new staff Ajmal to this humbly little office of ours. Hopefully you will enjoy your enjoy and produce a lot of great stuff with us.
If any of YOU out there would like to join our ever-growing organization, click the link here: http://www.teratotech.com/career
Updates 04/07: Hafizul get some goodies from the staff for his baby girl.
[caption id="attachment_3019" align="alignnone" width="540"]
Handed by the Boss.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_3020" align="alignnone" width="540"]
I'm a dada![/caption]

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